This site is the exclusive property of Matei Visniec.

All performance rights, including professional, amateur, stock, motion picture, radio, television, recitation, public reading, etc. are strictly reserved.
All inquiries should be addressed before rehearsal to the author : Matei Visniec
or to the author's agent : SACD
9 rue Ballu, 75009 Paris, France, Tél. : +33(01)40 23 44 55

This web site is protected in France by the Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle and outside France by international copyright conventions. Reproduction of all or part of this site, by any method or process, is strictly forbidden without the formal authorization of the editor. (art. L 335-2 of the Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle)

Photographic credit :
Norbert Choquet
Claude Chauvet
Philippe André
Eric Prat
Mihaela Marin
Florian Ispas
Andra Badulesco

Songs : Mustapha Aouar
for the video "Matei Visniec et son personnage" : Astor Piazzolla

Design and development :
Andra Badulesco

Host : OVH - 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France

Users of this site are required to comply with the provisions of the French Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act (Loi informatique et libertés no. 78-17 dated January 6, 1978). They may not collect, capture, deform or use information accessed on the site or carry out any other action that would be likely to breach any individual's right to privacy or impair any individual's reputation.


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webdesign : © Andra Badulesco 2010